Norton login

To download any Norton product, you must first create an account. You can also view your order history, activate all your products, cancel licenses, etc. by creating an account. Creating an account is also a must for Norton Login . So, follow the steps below to create an account:
  • First open a web browser, for example Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, etc.
  • Now type in the address bar and press Enter on your keyboard. This will open Norton's homepage.
  • Next, place the cursor on the Login tab, which is located in the top right corner of the window. You will see an expanded list, select the Account information option from the list.
  • Then he will lead you to the Login window. Since you are a new user, you have to go to the tab "Create account"; choose.
  • In order to create an account, you have to provide some necessary information.
  • Enter a valid email address in the first field to receive important emails from Norton.
  • In the next field of; Confirm email address “; Your email address again.
  • To go further, you'll be asked to create a secure password that should be difficult to guess but easy to remember. In addition, your password must be at least 8 characters long and contain the following
  • Use both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • There should be at least one numeric value.
  • Use valid symbols.
  • Next, enter your first name, last name, phone number, and country name in the appropriate fields.
  • If you would also like to be informed by email about the latest product updates, offers and safety newsletters, check the box.
  • Also read all the terms of the privacy policy by clicking on their link, then return to the account creation window and click the Create Account tab.
  • You will now receive an email confirming your account. Therefore, open the mail and click the Verify button.
